Planning for Tomorrow Youth Organization (P4TUganda) er en humanitær frivillig organisasjon (CBO) som ble startet av flyktninger i Kyangwali Refugee Settlement, Uganda, Afrika. P4T startet i 2007 og fikk juridisk status i 2013 med registreringsnummer CD / WG / 0199/13.
Med over 1,4 millioner flyktninger er Uganda det tredje største flyktningvertslandet i verden og det største flyktningvertslandet i Afrika. 61% er barn. Mange skoler er overfylte. Gjennomsnittsklassen har 200 barn og i andre klasser er over 300 barn som klemmer seg inn i klasserommet. Mangel på jobb, økonomiske muligheter og avhengighet mathjelp og et bidrag på 67 kr (USD $ 8) månedlig for mat fra World Food Program tvinger barn ut av skolen siden familiene ikke har råd til skolepenger.
I Kyangwali er det over 120 000 flyktninger og 80% er barn og kvinner i Kyangwali fra DR-Kongo, Sør-Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya og Somalia som flykter fra krig, vold, sult og problemer som følge av konflikter i hjemlandet over svært mange år.
Når det gjaldt å bringe løsninger til flyktninger og vertssamfunnets mest utsatte, var de tre viktigste områdene i Kyangwali; utdanning, arbeidsledighet og helse. Vi tar opp disse problemene på fire tematiske områder; levering av kvalitetsutdanning, helse, levebrød og samfunnstjeneste.
Vi tror at ved å bruke menneskene som er en del av samfunnet som lider under disse forholdene, kan de beste løsningene oppnås. Vi bruker derfor Human Center Design (HCD) -tilnærmingen, en Bottom-Up-strategi.
Les mer om vårt team i Uganda HER
Under kan du lese om P4TUganda's visjon og verdier, og du finner en oversikt over det arbeidet de gjør med og for de som er bosatt i flyktningleiren og området rundt. (Teksten er på engelsk)
Our Vision:
A healthy and self-reliant community that is empowered with knowledge and skills.
Our Mission:
Empowering communities to be healthy and self-reliant through provision of knowledge and skills
To reach this mission, P4T focuses on two strategic goals:
Promoting self-reliance through knowledge and skills, and
Advocating for a healthy community.
P4T programming is guided by the following five strategic objectives:
To enable sustainable community development initiatives through knowledge and innovation
To build income generating capacity through skills training.
To improve individuals' psychological and physical wellbeing.
To positively contribute to a safe and peaceful community through sensitization.
To educate the community on the importance of a clean and protected environment
Our core values
We are guided by and strive to uphold the following core values in all the activities we undertake:
Integrity, Commitment , Empowerment ,Equality, Humanity.
We are transparent and honest in all we do, keeping our promise to all stakeholders.
Stand beside and advocate for those who have been denied choice and opportunity.
We recognize and use the power of diversity to achieve more together.
Empower poor and marginalised people to take charge of their own development.
Share skills and knowledge to create long lasting, sustainable change.
Promote diversity and equality throughout our work.
We value respect, acceptance, consideration, appreciation, listening, openness, affection, empathy and love towards other human beings.
Our P4T Motto
Creating the Tomorrow we all Desire
Our P4T Slogan
We Build Tomorrow Together
1. EDUCATION: Providing quality education to build a sustainable young generation with knowledge and skills.
Education is a basic human right that should be afforded to all .Education may not be denied to any child, including in the circumstances that make him or her a refugee.
a. Early Childhood Development (ECD)/Nursery school.
ECD is an investment for life. 90 percent of brain development takes place before a child’s fifth birthday, and children who participate in ECD get a head start in their emotional and cognitive development, and are more likely to do well in school and become productive adults but ECD is not accessible by more than two-third of children in Uganda and especially those in refugee settlements and rural areas.
We aim to ensure that underprivileged girls and boys aged 2-6 years have access to holistic and inclusive ECD. We prepare children to transition effectively into primary school.
Early childhood education is a very important foundation for mental, social, and spiritual development of a child in the early ages of their life, lack of which can lead to late start in joining school, retardation in learning and antisocial behaviours.
P4T provide quality Early Childhood Development (ECD) since 2015 for refugees and Ugandan infants of age groups from 2 years to 6 years old where they received hot meals during breakfast and lunch time, building of ECD classrooms, provide scholastic and teaching materials, paying caregiver salaries, providing playing areas materials, ECD tool boxes provision, conducting specialized refresher training, and facilitating professional ECD staff and provide access to psychosocial services and trauma healing to estranged parents and guardians.
b. Primary Education
P4T is providing quality primary education for refugees and Ugandan infants of age groups from 6 years to 17 years old. P4T Primary started in 2016 with lower primary classes with only 30 children but today, we educate over 400 children. On 21st February 2018, P4T Primary School was licensed with the Ministry of Education and Sport with license number ME/P/9478. We believe in the power of education to prepare refugees for a brighter future. “Refugee children, future leaders”, said Bienvenu Byamungu, P4T Co- founder.
We prepare children to transition effectively into secondary school and registered and facilitate learners to do National Examinations (UNEB) and over 20 student transition to secondary every year. Refreshing training for teachers, Pay teachers’ salaries, provide scholastic and teaching materials, provision of sanitation and hygiene facilities including school and latrine constructions.
c. Community based school feeding program : School Feeding to increase enrolment and retention of refugee children in school.
Malnutrition is real in our community, yet a hungry child cannot concentrate in class. Our idea is to increase enrolment and retention of refugee children in schools in Kyangwali refugee settlement by engaging children, teachers, parents. The project benefits both refugee and host community children who have struggled in class because of lack of midday school meals both in ECD/Nursery and primary school children aged 2 years to 17 years. P4T support school to provides hot meals to the children during break and lunch times. The purpose of this program is to fight hunger in school to reduce absenteeism, school dropout, ulcers, and malnutrition, while improving enrolment and concentration in class and excellence in academic performance. P4T provided hot meals for the last 6 years (320,000+ meal days) to both our children and school staff.
Scholarship Program
There is only 1 secondary school in Kyangwali and over 80% of Refugee children are not able to afford to pay for their primary, secondary and college school. When they do not join secondary school, their dreams are shattered. The girls get married off at tender age or are introduced into prostitution by peers while the boys engage in child labour and most of them get lost in drug and alcohol abuse at puberty. 40 percent of girls in Uganda are married before the age of 18. Around 10 percent of these girls are married before the age of 15. Around 35 percent of girls drop out due to marriage and 23 percent drop out due to pregnancy. In contrast, allowing girls to continue through secondary education significantly reduces the chances of early marriage and childbearing.
Education empowers by giving refugees the knowledge and skills to live productive, fulfilling and independent lives. Change a child’s life through sponsoring.
2. LIVELIHOOD: Creating a self-reliant community.
P4T has the vision of creating a self-reliant community. This is done through the intervention of building livelihood opportunities for the local communities. When parents live in poverty, their children suffer. Without a source of income, they are unable to provide vital pay school fees, medicine, food, and Clothing. We help refugees and host community escape the cycle of poverty, through a range of vocational training, entrepreneurial skills and equipping them with the skills they need to earn a sustainable income. We support and encourages community savings and loans groups to invest for the future and set up small businesses.
a. Health Education
Forewarned is forearmed! Clearing misconceptions and providing informative knowledge to majorly illiterate population is so empowering and protective.
Lack of information about health crises is a crisis in itself. Ailing from violating war situations and living in states of emergencies; HIV/AIDS, GBV, Cholera, Ebola and now COVID 19 have remained misunderstood and mishandled in the multi-cultural refugee population. P4T provide health education both refugees and host communities mostly in area of Cholera, Ebola, HIV/AID, COVID-19. So far, over 1000 have received our educative information.
b.Medical Camp
P4T hosted a medical camp in January 2021. The camp brought in 11 International Medical Volunteers, provided direct health services to 3000+ patients and trained 120+ health workers in two health centers (Maratatu and Kyangwali Health Center III) in Kyangwali Refugee settlement . This is on top of medical supplies worth USD 23,000 and medical equipment worth USD 18,000 equipment like ultrasound machines.
In Uganda, close to 1.6 million people live with HIV out of whom 96,000 are children below 14 years. Orphans due to Aids are estimated to be 660,000 yet the country loses 28,000 people to Aids annually according to the study by UNAIDS.
Kyangwali refugee settlement is a multi-cultural area that needs multi-cultural approach to solve common problems such as HIV/AIDS and SGBV. P4T focuses on the first 90 of ensuring that 90% of people are tested and know their status. In creating awareness and sensitizing people about Community Health, HIV/AIDS . We carry out these training, awareness campaigns and activities such as sport, music dance and drama to fight ignorance, misconception, stigmatization, recklessness, negative attitudes and loss of hope.
Planning for Tomorrow Youth Organization (P4TUganda)
Kyangwali Refugee Settlement Field Office, Uganda.
MOB: +256 775 006144 |MOB: +256703655805/MOB: +256 775 749226 | OFFICE: +256 392 001374
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